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Chloé PopArt by Saï - Stéphane Aït Ouarab 2023 - Short Cut-41_edited.jpg

the Artist

Photographed by Stéphane Aït Ouarab

She has an irresistible ‘joie de vivre,’ a dynamic look, an iconoclastic personality, and an undeniable energy, with a severe propensity to Pop Art creation. The French and Parisian Chloé B is enthusiastic about creativity and contemporary art, and nothing ever seems to resist her.


Always on an ongoing creative quest,
the artist Chloé B has dreamed of giving life
and dimension to her colorful, energizing,
irresistible, and ingenious digital graphic collages. Finally, done! Her favorite themes - «Mouth,» «Heart,» and «Candy» - now come in metal sculptures. A large Revolver completes the collection.


& Mirrors


One of Chloé B’s most significant creative
directions consists of messages on mirrors.
Those hypnotic creations convey meaning
and send powerful messages. Words like «Love you» or» Merci» are thus charged with positive, benevolent, and poetic energy.


Paris Trocadéro, welcome to the atelier
of a digital art devotee, Chloé B’s.

The space she likes to call ‘my factory’ is the creative cradle where she designs and creates her digital works. It’s also where she welcomes people who inspire her, clients,

and friends.

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& Rock'n Stars

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Contemporary digital art offers endless possibilities for imagining modern and innovative digital works. Chloé B is one of these artists. Passionate about pointillism, she assembles small photos of icons and stars to create unique and fascinating portraits in digital mosaics.



Chloé B stands out in the contemporary art world thanks to her original personality, cosmopolitan lifestyle, and pop artworks. Hence, she is popular with the media and has become a key figure in the digital art scene.


@2023 - Chloé / Génération Pop Art 2.0 

Atelier Parisien - Trocadéro - 75116 - Paris

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