the Artist
She has an irresistible ‘joie de vivre,’ a dynamic
look, an iconoclastic personality, and an undeniable energy, with a severe propensity to Pop Art creation. The French and Parisian Chloé B is enthusiastic about creativity and contemporary art, and nothing ever seems to resist her.

Photographed by Stéphane Aït Ouarab
Since childhood, Chloé B has developed a passion for American Pop Art. An informed amateur at first, she finally found her medium for creative expression with the development of digital art. She initially created pointillist mosaic portraits made of pixel-sized photos. They pictured her favorite stars and several symbolic animals. She soon received special orders for family portraits. As the collections turned captivating, trendy galleries started to take them over.
This experimentation of optical effects
was her first take on the infinite possibilities
of double-reading in arts. Soon after, in 2021,
this reflection gave birth to Chloé B’s first metal
sculptures. With them, collages-montages of pop
culture icons now shape fun-reality archetypes
of our society.
Her 3D sculptures come to life in the most
captivating and impactful forms.
Sculpture becomes a central axis in her line
of work. Lights and reflections,
her new playground.

«Mirror, tell us the truth.»
Her fierce objective of restoring their power
to the symbols we no longer see also applies
to words. She reinvigorates clichés like «Love»
by repeating them endlessly on a mirror where
viewers project themselves.
«Love» multiplied on a mirror
gave rise to a series of brilliant artworks—
cult quotes and poems.
They reflect on Chloé B’s soulful exploration
of feelings and emotions.

Beware of Chloé B’s apparent lightness:
throughout her works as a playful pop artist,
she is slowly but surely composing a critical
Thesaurus of our contemporary society.
Thanks to her cinematographic
and artistic sensibility, she is well aware
of the positive impact of a critic’s work.

Welcome To My Playground

What puts you in a good mood?
A Klein blue sky.
What word do you never say?
Your favourite character trait?
Humour allows me to keep a critical distance while making me laugh.
What inspires you?
Popular culture, its brilliance and excess.
What scares you?
Consumer society when it goes too far. Although!
A revolution?
The poem that keeps you going?
Rudyard Kipling’s ‘If’. It’s an ode to the human condition.
What do you like to read?
Double meanings, double readings.
And singing?
David Bowie.
Your bedside book?
Stefan Zweig’s ‘The Chess Player’.
Which woman would you like to wake up as?
Wonder Woman.
Do you have a magic wand?
I have two: my camera and my computer.
What has changed everything for you?
Technology, innovations and their tools.
Your greatest artistic revelation?
Andy Warhol.
A painter?
A magician of the image?
Erwin Blumenfeld.
And as a sculptor?
I like César a lot...
A work of art?
The most extraordinary collage, the Sistine Chapel.
A city other than Paris?
New York.
Your 3 essential museums?
The MOMA in New York, The Louvre Abu Dhabi,
The Christiana in Copenhagen.
A luxury?
An abbreviation that speaks to you?
What’s next?
Always create.
Chloé B, Pop Interview 2023